Friday, March 27, 2009

It Didn't Take Richard Raymond Long

Rep. Richard Raymond is really feeling his oats after being named Vice-Chair of the Appropriations Committee of the Texas House of Representatives. Raymond immediately flexed his newly acquired political muscle by threatening to cut the budget of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission by 20% unless they approved a liquor license for one of his top campaign contributors.

Not surprisingly, TABC Administrator Alan Steen caved to the pressure. Steen invoked a rarely used authority to overrule the findings of an Administrative Law Judge who had conducted a hearing on the case and determined that the license should not be granted because of the substantial negative impact the establishment would have on its neighbors.

Of course, the peace, safety and well-being of a bunch of ordinary folks doesn't get in the way of Money and Politics in Texas. If those folks have to be sacrificed at the alter of political contributions, so be it. And, who could blame TABC for selling those same foks down the river to curry favor with those holding their agency's pursestrings.

None of this, of course, is a surprise. But that doesn't make it any less shameful. If this is how Raymond is going to use his newly acquired power, then the citizens of District 42 are in for problems. When their own representative is willing to sell them out for a few thousand dollars in campaign contributions, nobody is safe.